UNDER CONSTRUCTION Causal Sets and Quantum Gravity Our current understanding of the physical world rests, at its most fundamental level, on two very different conceptual structures known respectively as ``the standard model'' and ``general relativity''. The former deals with subatomic particles and fields in their mutual interactions, while the latter deals with gravity, inertia, and the geometrical and causal properties of spacetime. Together these two theories cover a vast range of phenomena, extending from the cosmological to the sub-nuclear. However, each one of them is incomplete in itself, and each is formulated in such a manner as to make it incompatible with the other. In addition, the evidence that the expansion of the universe is speeding up rather than slowing down has led some people to surmise that our understanding of gravity (which normally behaves attractively) is defective in itself, even in the domain where it was thought to be well established. The so called problem of quantum gravity, then, is the problem of overcoming this disunity in our most fundamental conceptions. One might supreficially think of it as the quest to develop a single theory uniting general relativity with the standard model, but this would be misleading because the standard model incorporates features that are expected to become outmoded in a few years, as has already happened with the massless neutrino. What is really wanted is not a theory that would reproduce every detail of the standard model. Rather our task is to discover how to combine the abstract dynamical framework on which the standard model rests, namely quantum field theory, with the kind of flexible spacetime structure epitomized by general relativity. Not having accomplished this task, we find ourselves unable to discover the origin of the big bang, unable to interpret the accelerating Hubble expansion of the cosmos, and unable to sort out what happens deep inside a black hole. It's not just that we cannot answer these questions, but that we don't even know how to ask them properly. In thinking about quantum gravity, it is important to realize that our best fundamental theories are not only incomplete and difficult to combine with each other, they also suffer from internal contradictions. When one tries to follow the basic assumptions of the standard model to their logical conclusions, one runs into contradictions known as infinities or divergences. Likewise, the Einstein equations of general relativity give rise to singularities where the curvature becomes infinite and spacetime cannot continue. And yet another infinity shows up when one tries to compute the entanglement entropy of a black hole by combining general relativity with quantum field theory in the most straightforward way. If one accepts --- as very many workers do --- that these contradictions are evidence for a discrete substratum underlying the continuous manifold of classical spacetime, then our first task is to determine what sort of beast that substratum is. Following a train of thought reviewed in the accompanying web page, I have come to believe that the appropriate structure to fill this role is what in mathematics is called a ``partial order'', and what in its quantum-gravitational role I will call a causal set. \section{The causal set programme} % Among the various ideas put forward in the search for a theory of quantum gravity, the causal set hypothesis is distinguished by its logical simplicity and by the fact that it incorporates the assumption of an underlying spacetime discreteness organically and from the very beginning. The approach is conservative in that it retains to some degree the concepts of spacetime point or {element} and of lightcone. It is radical in that it takes these elements to be discrete or ``atomic'' and in that it dispenses at the fundamental level with any notion of metric or even topology. Instead, the spacetime continuum, including its metric and its topology, is supposed to emerge from the underlying causal or temporal relationships in a manner summarized in the slogan {Geometry = Order $+$ Number}. But how can something as elaborate as a spacetime manifold arise from something as mathematically rudimentary as a relation of precedence between pairs of elements? By way of answering, let me first give some definitions. Mathematically, a causal set (or {causet} for short) is a set C of elements x, y, z ... endowed with a discrete order-relation x < y which is both {transitive} and {irreflexive}, where transitivity and irreflexivity mean respectively, (\forall x,y,z \in C) (x < y < z \implies x < z) and (\forall x \in C) (x \not < x). These axioms, if one thinks of it, are just the attributes of the before-after relation or of the causal relation, ``x can influence y''. Equally they are attributes of the relation, ``x is an ancestor of y''. Thus a causet is a sort of generalized family tree recording the temporal or ``ancestral'' relations among the ``spacetime atoms'' composing the hypothesized substratum. A causet can also be represented as a bit-matrix M (the ``causal matrix''), with entries 0 or 1 defined so that M_{jk}=1 if and only if the i^{th} element of C precedes the j^{th} element of C. That C is discrete, or technically speaking ``locally finite'', simply means that the elements y falling {between} any two elements x and z are finite in number: (\forall x, z \in C) (\card{y \in C | x < y < z} < \infty), where `\card' denotes cardinality. Presupposing a suitable cosmological intial condition, we can replace local finiteness by the simpler condition of past-finiteness, meaning that no element has an infinite number of ancestors. In that case one can define a causal set simply as a {past-finite partially ordered set}. A causal set is thus a certain kind of network of primitive temporal connections or relations of ancestry. Roughly speaking, the reason why, under coarse-graining, such a structure can give rise to a spacetime (for example Minkowski space), is that the order-relation x < {y} contains the same type of information that in spacetime defines the lightcones: information about which elements causally precede which other elements. But once you know the lightcones, you also know the lightlike vectors, meaning the vectors of zero proper length, and it's not hard to see that from this knowledge you can deduce the line-element, dx^2+dy^2+dz^2-dt^2, up to an overall factor. An absolute standard of length cannot be recovered from the lightcones, but in the context of a {discrete} order, a measure of volume (and thereby of length) can be obtained in another way --- by equating the volume of a spacetime region to the number of elements in the corresponding portion of the underlying causet. This rule that {\it{}number = volume} furnishes the missing standard of length. The above sketch of how a causet can produce a spacetime is only heuristic, but the picture it paints is borne out by extensive work in both physics and mathematics. This work has shown, for example, that in any causet which can be approximated by a region of Minkowski space, the length of the longest chain x < {}y_1 < {}y_2\cdots < {}z between any two elements x and z furnishes a reliable measure of the proper time (geodesic length) between the corresponding spacetime points [R::longest-chain]. Similarly, one knows how to ``read out'' from the causal matrix information about the spacetime dimensionality [R::myrheim-meyer] and about topological parameters like the homology groups of a Cauchy surface [R::homology]. The causal set programme has as its ultimate goal, to construct a theory of quantum gravity based on the replacement of the spacetime continuum by the causal set. For this it is not enough that a causal set {\it{can}} give rise to a spacetime; it is necessary that it actually evolve to do so. Whether or not this happens depends by definition on the underlying ``quantum law of motion'' or dynamics. Finding a dynamics which can produce the kind of spacetime we live in is thus the central task of the theory, just as it is the central task of any other theory of quantum gravity that posits a more fundamental structure lying beneath spacetime. According to the theory as it stands at present, the dynamics would be that of an ongoing growth process consituted by ``successive'' births of causal set elements. [here describe csg models or refer to below] [also monte-carlo simulations] In addition to reproducing a spacetime one also wants to understand in what way the granular, atomic nature of the causal set manifests itself in phenomena that might sooner or later be susceptible to observation. In other words, one wants to develop the potential {phenomenology} of causal set theory. For this purpose it should suffice, at least initially, to treat the causet as a fixed ``background'' in which to do quantum field theory, or rather its discrete counterpart. Thanks to recent progress in setting up quantum field theory in a causal set, this is now possible in the case of a scalar field. Such a field can serve as a simplified stand-in for the electromagnetic field, and it is also precisely the type of field hypothesized in inflationary cosmology. [also need to mention swerves, propagation on links, etc] TO BE CONTINUED [FROM VERY OLD VERSION:] I will mention just two or three illustrative problems to give an idea of the kind of work involved. 1. Djamel Dou has shown that black hole entropy, in a certain sense, counts the spacetime ``molecules'' composing the horizon (i.e. the surface) of the black hole. However, this conclusion relied on an approximate reduction of the problem to two dimensions. To confirm the results, one must recover them in the full four dimensional setting. 2. A major success of causal set theory was the prediction of the accelerating cosmic expansion, long before it was established observationally. (More precisely, the prediction was a fluctuating ``cosmological term'' in the Einstein equations. Such a term is the most natural explanation of the recent observations.) Together with my student, Maqbool Ahmed, and Fermilab collaborators Scott Dodelson and Patrick Greene, I have extended the original prediction to a much more detailed phenomenological model which admits more extensive comparison with observation. This model needs further development, especially since extensive new data is expected soon from the PLANCK satellite and other similar experiments. 3. A recent breakthrough on the problem of causal set dynamics was the introduction of the family of ``classical sequential growth'' models, devised (by David Rideout in his thesis) as a ``toy model'' of quantum gravity, as it would have to emerge within the causal set approach. This model has been fruitful. It has led in particular to a solution of ``the problem of time'' (work with Graham Brightwell, Fay Dowker, Raquel Garci'a, Joe Henson) and to the definition of a sort of ``cosmic renormalization transformation'' that has the potential to resolve some of the puzzles of big bang cosmology (work with Denjoe O'Connor and Xavier Martin, also by Avner Ash and Patrick McDonald). The next step would be the generalization to the quantum case. If such a generalization can be formulated, then we will have, for the first time, a fully fledged candidate for quantum gravity based on causal sets. Other collaborators in the work described above but not cited there: Siavash Aslanbeigi, Eitan Bachmat, Dionigi Benincasa, Luca Bombelli, Michel Buck, Adriana Criscuolo, Alan Daughton, Astrid Eichorn, Lisa Glaser, Steven Johnston, Joohan Lee, Malwina Luczak, David Meyer, Johan Noldus, Prakash Panangaden, Ioannis Raptis, David Reid, Rob Salgado, Mehdi Saravani, Sumati Surya, Madhavan Varadarajan, Henri Waelbroeck, Petros Wallden.