2009 Summer Learning and Research

To monitor and motivate my own learning and research, I decided to create a blog to document my progress, along with a wishlist and a summary. Despite my usual objections and occasional discomfort in sharing personal comments with a potentially unknown readership (unlike before, when my website wouldn't show up on google searches), I'll include personal comments here to make things a little more interesting (also for myself) to read.

Definition: MY 2009 SUMMER begins on Wednesday, April 22, 2009 (the day after my last comprehensive exam -- Real Analysis) and ends on Saturday, August 22, 2009 (the day when I return from Germany).


Green Other than math
Red Bad or Evaluation
Purple Unfinished
Magenta In retrospect

Wishlist (Go to Longer Wishlist)


I guess I have only accomplished a tiny fraction of what I had hoped to accomplish this summer. But I think the fall term will be much better. :-)

Date Topology & Geometry Rep Theory Homological Quantum groups TQFTs Categorification Yangians Quantum gravity Others Eval
April seminar paper paper B
May conference seminar school F
June school seminar, book seminar book F
July book school book Quivers B (partially vacation)
August book conference book paper B-

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